
Okay, so this was one of the most exciting things EVER
In December I saw that F&F had teamed up with Poppy Dinsey (http://poppyd.com/) to offer winter style and fashion advice -something I struggle with as I am usually the person who turns to ski coats, hoodies and jeans with UGG boots. I’m SO rubbish at winter fashion it’s incredible! 

But one thing I seriously struggle with is attending events. So, you put on this gorgeous dress with tights because, you know, winter. And then you have to put on your entire wardrobe over it to be warm or risk getting a cold or illness of some kind, failing that you choose the spend the night talking in morse code because all you can muster is the chattering of your teeth and a few sounds in your throat, all because you chose to wear a silly little jacket.
So this was the dilemma I tweeted in to Poppy, and F&F replied with a lovely little image of a great Faux Fur winter jacket and advised on accessorizing! Little did I know it but this meant I had been entered into a prize draw! 

I was on a job so I lost signal, and when I came out I had been announced as having won a styling day with Poppy! And I couldn’t believe it! Like really, I phoned my mum and was like, does this sound real? Haha! But it was! 

So on the 28th January I head to West Kensington to the F&F flagship store ready for my day! When I arrived we were brought our choice of hot drinks and some chocolate biscuits! I’d tried to dress as best I could! Basically I have one outfit with three different tops/jumpers that I wear all the time, and I explained this to Poppy, as well as outlining my line of work and requirements for jobs. With this in mind we headed into the store! 

Poppy was fabulous, listening and noting the things I chose but also picking out things which I maybe wasn’t so sure of, but I had made the conscious decision to be brave and try new things, which I had also told her! All this considered I was absolutely ecstatic with the ensembles we chose! I can honestly say that the next time I go to a casting, rather than be nervous about look shabby, or wondering if it might be the same casting director who will note my almost identical outfit to the last one; I will now have the confidence to go in and completely own every single casting I go to this year!

So a SUPER-MASSIVE thank you to F&F for being such amazing hosts and for running such a wonderful competition! And of course to Poppy for being so lovely and listening to my fashion woes and sorting them right out!!

 Here are some photos of Poppy and I on the day kindly sent through to me by Lucy from We Are Social!